Thursday, January 31, 2008

Kay , i'm on this blog to complain and this post can be deleted. Somebody Banned Me and Clarence from using the Tagboard. Any1 noe how to cancel the ban or if YOU are the 1 tht banned US tell us why?

Raymond >.< P.S Lets Win The Coke Competition!!!


9:38 PM

I'm so pissed wih my computer.
Damn slow lah.

Okay forget about it.
Maths : 2 Example Questions
Chemistry : Worksheet (Hint from Miss Tian : 2aii) Not all covalent compounds is insoluble in H2O, HF, HCl, H2SO4, HNO3 disassociates in H2O to form ions ( H, F-, Cl-, SO4 2-, NO3-)
Chemistry : Worksheet due date tomorrow.
Chinese : Mei Wen
English : Essay and Compre for those who haven't finish it, like me! x)
Chinese : Comprehension
Maths : PLease bring $12 for A and E Maths TYS
Administration : Please bring whatever money you haven't paid to Andy by tomorrow. Thanks.
Chemistry : Class Test on 5/2, Topics are, Ionic and Covalent Bonds

I guess that is all liao.
And arh, i kinda enjoy today very much, including Mdm Quek's lesson and Miss Yang's lesson.
I guess it is the attitude we have for their lessons bah.
Jiayou ThreeThree, let's win the fire cracker competition tomorrow. x)

OH YA! And bring empty water bottle's hor.
Cos i think that's the fastest way we can like.. Finish all the coke lor. x)


9:05 PM

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I don't know lah.
Homework again.

Chemistry : Worksheet 9 and 10, Finish up 7 and 8 and hand up too.
Maths : Study Group Worksheet
Chinese : Compre
English : Essay and Comprehension
Geography : Page 7 -18

I don't know if i got miss out anything or not.
If i did.
Someone please log in and please edit it.
Thank You.

And those who still have coke cans, please bring, THANKS.
Did i forget anything?


Haha, Joel said he was jealous.
When he's birthday come, we must make it grand hor. x)

If you can see, i'm trying to make this post longer.
I wish our efforts won't go down the drain,
Hope we'll win yeah?

I think if someone is interest in taking over my job from here, you can gladly come to me to get an interview?
I mean i will just give you the job lah. x)

THREETHREE is the place to be,
The one place you will never want to leave.

Okay, i stop crapping liao.
Byebye bah.


8:07 PM

Monday, January 28, 2008

Since it helped most of you..

Maths : Study Group Homework
Combine Humanities : History Textbook and Workbook, WW1 lesson notes, Singapore History Chapter 9 Notes, Junior Pack
Geography : Workbook Page 7-18
English : Essay and Compre by Thursday
Chemistry : Worksheet 7 and 8

I guess this is all.
And anyone who has rafia string, please bring too.
Try to bring tomorrow, cos we will try to finsih everything by tomorrow during CDP! x)

I think we'll win this firecracker thing.
Work Hard THREETHREE!. x)


8:18 PM

Sunday, January 27, 2008

hey peeps

the Choir and Band concert at VCH is nearing. And there are rumours that they will split the class into half to go to one of the concerts. But one thing's for sure is that the band members will go for the choir's performance and vice versa.

any outsiders reading this, if you're interested in going, the concert's are on the 26 feb and maybe the 28 feb. please go!! haha

siti rahah bte mohd bahari

10:24 PM

This is the thing we have to do for the fire cracker for some people who wanna know first. The three loops thing is hard to get i think we will have to ask another class... Hand in on friday 11:30am in hall. For those who wanna sacrifice a nice half-day, which will not be me haha.

Signing off,

Andy Chee Wei Yi (24)

8:31 PM

Friday, January 25, 2008

I'm getting a little lazy on keeping up on homework already.
But's this is what i got from Raymond and Joelyn.

Geography : Workbook page 7-18
Maths : Story Worksheet
Chemistry : 2 Worksheets
Chinese : Workbook First 2 Topics
English : 2 Essays and 2 Comprehensions
Reminder : Please remember to bring your Physics stuff on Monday. Or Mdm Quek will be very very angry okay..?

I think this is all ler bah.
Have a nice weekend THREETHREE
I have never loved a class like this before.


9:02 PM

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


i have nothing better to do so yea! i am here blogging on the class blog!

to those ex 2-5 people. ms yang is giving us all our comprehensions that we did before last year with mrs audrey tham.... not exciting at all!!!

oh yea, anyone know how to make my phone be abvle to use msn again ??? its like screwed again... please send your suggestions which are appropriate to my number 9*******

oh ya, please please congratulate me on doing my chinese!!! yay!!!

one last thingy! BAND CORNET SECTION ROX!!!

Cornet SECTION 08
Xiao SHUAI ge

10:39 PM

I just say got what homework bah.

English : Essay and Compre
Geog : Project
Maths : Formula?
Chinese : Workbook

OMG! I gonna faint.
I agree with Andy,
We shouldn't let our efforts go to waste.
Let's all bring more?
I bet i can't help much.
But i wish everyone plays a part lor.
I very tired.
Go sleep liao. Bye!


9:19 PM

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Hey people.
Homework again.

Administration : Ask 'N' Learn Survey Online.
Administration : Please bring newspaper and red packets
Chemistry : 2 worksheets, and did I meantion that it was Miss Tian's Birthday today?
Maths : Study Group worksheets for those who didn't manage to do it
English : Compre and Essay
[E] Maths : Notes, page 8 (I think?) Questions 2-6, 4-6 on foolscap paper.

Aiya. it's useless anyway. so i guess this is the homework. and good luck for those people who visits this blog and is receiving results this thursday. JIAYOU!
And this is only for the benefit for some people, ME, Karthik and Pon.
Cant someone go for the making of the firecracker thing on behalf of me?
Cos i got to be on time for Choir.
Unless it doesn't cut in.
Enough of my NONSENSE!

And Andy, nice drawing.
We can use that for the _____.
Fill in the blanks lah. x)


8:10 PM

This is the mouse I made on paint.NET for CNY decorations, hope y'all like it.

Signing off,


6:12 PM

Monday, January 21, 2008

THREE THREE's Best Friend
Guys get as many cans as possible.


11:06 PM

For those who were sun-burnt... ...


  1. Get out of the sun! Some people think once you're burned it can't get worse. It can and it does!
  2. Use the succulent aloe vera plant. Cut it down the length of the leaf and open it, revealing the inner. Rub the clear gelatinous inner over the burned area. Repeat as often as you like. This is better than most bought aloe vera treatments because it's clear and you know what's in it. Use very mild lotion before bed at night to help keep the skin moisturized.
  3. Wear loose-fitting cotton clothing that will not irritate the affected areas. Other materials, especially man-made ones like polyester, can rub harshly against the skin and make a burn feel much worse. If it is summer vacation and you are able to stay at home, do so and wear as little clothing as possible to keep it from hurting your skin. But put a soft cotton blanket over the couch or bed to keep your skin from rubbing against upholstery.
  4. The first day that you get the burn, apply liberal amounts of Noxzema deep cleansing cream (original). It helps take the heat out of your skin and accelerates the healing process, turning your burn into a tan faster and with less pain. A little-known secret!
  5. Use an antiinflammatory like ibuprofen to take the pain out of the burn and help with skin inflammation.
  6. If the burn is very recent (still red and not peeling), use a tomato. Tomato juice is acidic but it doesn't hurt and helps the redness.
  7. Another effective method is applying a cold wet teabag to the afflicted area; put some warm water in a small bowl and put a teabag in it, then shake the teabag off and dab on. The moisture slowly evaporates off the skin cooling it, and the tea soothes the skin helps bring out the tan (wash the brown tincture off afterwards).
  8. Calendula ointment is also a very effective treatment, especially good for severe burns with blistering. You can find it at a naturopath.
  9. Keep it cool; not too much clothing and an ice pack can be great on a burn. Bathe with cool water and avoid soap, which can cause irritation.
  10. Keep a spray bottle around of 10 parts water, 1 part cologne. The alcohol in the cologne will cool the skin as it dries. Don't spray in or near your eyes!
  11. Apply witch hazel lotion, a good aloe alternative.
  12. Unless you have abrasions on the burned skin, try vinegar. Mix 50-50 with cool water, soak towels in the solution and drape over the burns.
  13. The first shower you take after getting the burn, rinse the area with warm, NOT HOT, water. This opens the pores and releases the trapped heat in your skin. Keep the area cool afterwards.

Apricot Method

  1. Peel and mash 3-4 apricots.
  2. Apply the mix on your face and leave on for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash off with lukewarm water.
  4. Once the skin is red and irritated, you can be sure that the skin has suffered damage. There are no ways to cure sunburn, but you can apply some remedies as a sunburn relief or prevention of one.
  5. Take a long shower adjusting the water to almost cool temperature. Once you are done taking a shower, gently tap it to absorb the water, do not rub it as this will increase the irritation.


  • It's a good idea to purchase a waterproof sunscreen and apply it liberally whether you think you'll be going in the water or not. This is to assure you're prepared for those "just in case" situations like a spontaneous dip in the pool or the jokester who thinks its funny to saturate the beach side observer.
  • Avoid wool or synthetics with sun-burn though you'll be most comfortable with no clothing on the affected area.
  • Aloe products like Solarcaine do little to soothe the itch or burn of a bad burn, so don't rely on those to always soothe the discomfort.
  • At times, Aloe Vera is not available because the plant is not native to some states and countries. Lotion is usually a good way to help the sunburn heal faster, or, Banana Boat Aloe Vera Gel, or another Aloe Vera Gel is often effective, and feels especially soothing when previously cooled in a refrigerator. However, an Aloe Vera plant when split open and rubbed on the burn is more effective then gels.
  • The best way to treat sunburn is not to get it at all, when going to the beach, put on spf 50 or more, and if you are surfing, use a rashvest with uv protection, and a thick wetsuit, a 5/3 is best but 4/3 is sufficiant.


  • While sunburn is linked to melanoma (the most deadly form of skin cancer), regular sun exposure that doesn't result in burning still causes skin damage and increases your risk of other types of skin cancer.
  • It is possible, though rare, to have third-degree burns from the sun. If you suspect this might have happened, see a doctor immediately.
  • Pay close attention to any medications (including herbal remedies and essential oils) for many of them have side-effects which include increased sun sensitivity.
  • Do not peel or pick at dead skin.

signing off,


8:04 PM

Here's the homework again.
For the Basketball and Netball players.

English : The Essay (If not done yet)
English : Compre (Relieve worksheet)
Maths : Study Group Worksheet
Maths : Notes
Administration : Bring at least 2 coke cans by 25 January
Administration : Please pay up for the files

Woah! Homework suddenly very little right?
I know I know.
Okay lah.
Time to do homework liao.


7:57 PM

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Colours for Relevant Files:

English: Unkown Yet
Physics: Unkown Yet
Chemistry: Unkown Yet
A Maths: Dark Green
E Maths: Lime Green
History: Purple
Social Studies: Orange
Geography: Unknown Yet


I bet no one is gonna come and read at this time anyway.
But still, like what Andy said.
Please bring $5.50 for your Chemistry 10 Years Series.




7:38 PM


PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING $7.60 for the 2 Maths Files.
Latest Tuesday.
Sooner the better!

Karthikeyan Rajah

7:33 PM

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Here's something to bring things up.
I got the link from HuiFang.
Pretty cool.
Take a look bah.



7:14 PM

Alright alright.
Here's the homework.
Thanks to Joelyn for updating it to me. x)

Okay, here goes.
English : Write an essay on "If it is necessary for Singapore to conserve her environment?" : 100 words
A Maths : 2 questions in the notes
A Maths: Identities worksheet
Chemistry : 2 worksheets
Chinese : Comprehension
Class decorations : Any violent objections if $1 or $2 is collected from each pupil of class 3/3 for the purchasing of cartons of red coke cans?

I think that is all bah.
Wish that all of you are satisfied with the class towel.
And congrats again to Joelyn and Jeremy for getting the Best Trooper Award.
Double J seh.
I miss our PMs already. T.T
I think i go and do my homework liao lah.
You guys also must do.
I don't know about the higher mothertongue pupils' homework.
And the malay and indian pupils' homework. if you want. you can post about the homeworks too.


6:50 PM

Friday, January 18, 2008

WHOOHOO!! We survived through our camp.

Here's Just the main pictures:

Platoon 5

Platoon 5

PM Raine & Sean!

3Three`08 Troopers! COMBAT


The Toilet.

Boy's sleep place.

Remembering the toilets!

Platoon 6

Platoon 6.

Get rest of the photographs:

GUESS WHAT! I now can remember all your names. However i have yet to hear Yang Qin's voice. Haha. He has to open up yeah?

3Three Rocks my Socks!

11:30 PM

Three cheers to the teachers for being there and supporting us and helping us take pictures.
Three cheers to the school for organising this.
Followed by,
Three cheers to all Troopers for attending this camp.
Three cheers to us being able to bond together and get high.
BUT.. We shouldn't have forgotten those two great and energetic people who were there during the camp to guide us, to help us, and to train us.
They was there almost all the time during the camp.
Never giving up on us.
So we shouldn't let them down. x)

The pictures are uploaded at
Please check it out.
As that is the only way which we can remember this camp yeah?
I'm pretty glad the blog is going on well.
Although we aren't awarded the best troop award, we know we are the best.

Presenting the best trooper award too.. THREETHREE!
Okay. I'll sign off here.


9:52 PM

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


This is the Chinese New Year things we have to do.
Credits to THREETWO, Yasmine.
And Camp is just tomorrow.
So let's all have fun.
I have collected the towels.
Althoiugh io dont know if you guys would like it or not.
I think karthik did a good job on the class picture thing.
We must be like a roll of toilet paper, long and useful. x)
I won't be updating on the homework today, you know.
As i guess everyone will be packing their things already.
Okay. So please have fun viewing this blog.
Don't spam. Don't curse. Don't leave. Hahaha.

Lastly, THREETHREE rocks. x)


8:09 PM


I have finally completed our class blog. WHOOHOO! i am so relieved. And its freaking 12.10am.
Anways some things to take note of.
  • If your email is written wrongly inform me: KARTHIK!
  • And if you create a blog tell me to link you also.
  • The Tagboard i took away the censor. So you can like swear at your own risk.
  • I'll tell ya'll the ID and Pass to the blog in class tmr.
  • And whenever you finish posting, LOG OUT! if you don't log out others cannot log in.
  • The Picture is simple. But it took me like 1.5 hours to do. lol. including the time i used to ponder on the theme. so i went with abstract. Our logo is on the book. And our names are on TOILET PAPER. Its different right?
  • Acknowledgment to Pearlyn Chang for the Class Logo and Shaun Ang to the signing off picture.
  • Sorry if the skin is not fabulous. Cause i am new to this line of work.
  • And please take care of this blog and don't let it die.
Thats about it.
(LONG NAME: I know!)

12:11 AM

Monday, January 14, 2008

Hey guys.
Well, second day for class blog already and it seems to be going fine.
Here's the homework for today.

Here goes nothing:
-A Maths : Worksheet (Identities)-Due date:21 January
-A Maths : Notes : Finish up the other 2 questions on the Identities-Due date:Next A Maths lesson.
-E Maths : Notes : Finish the whole thing on Solutions of Quadratic Equations (Given last week)-Due date:Next E Maths lesson (Tomorrow)
-E Maths : Sets : Finish everything in the paper on foolscap (Sets and Venn Diagram - Revision)
-English : Expository writing : Worksheet 1 : Analysing the structure-Write out the points for each paragraph
-Physics : Workbook : Page 1-6
-Physics : Finish up Graph and Gradient : All three questions
-Camp : Please be sure that you pack your sleeping bag too, as it is not stated in the packing list
-Class Decoration : Please try to find RED COKE CANS, and donate it to the class
-Chemistry : Please bring your Chemistry worksheet 1: Ionic structure and pass it to Mukhtar
-Files : Please make sure you file up all your worksheets given as file checking will be in March
-Geography : Project : Please be sure of the topic you are working on-Due date:23 January
-History : Worksheet : M.A.N.I.A -Due date:15 January
-Mother Tongue : Chinese : Du Hou Gan-Mei Wen
-Birthdays : Upcoming-HuiShan-18 January
-Class Towel : Getting it on 15 January

To Buy List:
-Physics File and SPA File : $4.30
-Chemistry File and SPA File : $4.30
-Physics 10 years series : $8
-Class Towel : $8
TOTAL: $24.60

I don't know if this will work out or not.
But wish it'll be a help for you guys bah.
With all the homework and stuff updated here. x)
I think i got to go and finish my homework already.



6:05 PM

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hey guys. I am glad to open this blog.
and remember to quote your name at the end of every post.
Like this or any other way you like it!


12:09 AM